Social Production and Management of Housing
Program oriented to the construction of living spaces managed and produced by the residents themselves through participatory strategies that involve integral [technical and social] support.
The guiding principle of the program is that, during each of the stages [diagnosis, participatory design, assisted self-production and evaluation], the residents have control of the process and the possibility of making accurate decisions with social and technical information

Education, culture and traditional knowledge
The program focuses on the conservation and strengthening of traditional knowledge and crafts that support the cultural identity of the original peoples, their relationship with the territory and their productive chains.
We accompany the residents in the generation of community spaces where dialogue andexchange of knowledge are encouraged to sustain community life through the proper management of natural assets.

Social Reconstruction of Habitat
The program seeks to facilitate and support social processes of reconstruction, not only of homes, but of local productive chains and community ties. In the short term, the objective is to address the emergency through the construction of habitable spaces and the reactivation of the local economy.
In the medium and long term, the program focuses on triggering the transfer of knowledge and installing capacities among the inhabitants to strengthen the community fabric and collective organization, as well as technical-constructive tools and territorial knowledge.

Understanding and territorial memory
We accompany participatory processes of active research and territorial understanding in order to strengthen the systemic and complex vision of the place.
The program seeks to add to the self-management processes of the inhabitants for the defense of the territory and natural assets. One of the main tools of this program are participatory cartographies, which allow systematizing the collective territorial knowledge of the inhabitants.